Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wedded Bliss Part 1

Cicely + James = Cicelyjames. hehe. No really, Cicely + James = LOVE. What a lovely wedding weekend we had! I wish I took more pictures. boo. This post and all other Cicely wedding posts will rely heavily on stolen pictures.

Thursday was the bachelorette party, just as silly as I imagined it would be. We had SO MUCH FUN though. Dinner was thumbs down. Over priced under flavored food. Don't eat here. After we ate we went to Cowboys and it was a blast. I WISH I could line dance. The dance floor was filled with groups of people moving in unison wearing cowboy boots and knowing when to tap their heel vs. their toes and then there was us. We tried. We were a sad sight though I am sure. Highlights of the evening include: Real live cowboys, Gwen getting burned with Jackie's cigarette, Cicely blowing her drink in Gwen's eye, Cowboy lap dances but the winning moment was when Cicely asked - no, begged the cop to show her his penis since it was her party and she hadn't seen a "real live penis" all night (keep in mind heavy drinking did occur).

yes, those are penis straws in the drinks

Saturday we had the rehearsal in the morning then all the girls (+Sonny) went for manicures/pedicures before rushing back to the hotel to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. Cicely looked beautiful. Her dress was awesome and reminded me of Esmeralda on Bewitched (my favorite TV show growing up). Son nearly stole the show though cause he is the cutest baby in the world.

Next wedding post will have actual wedding pictures.