So far (in the past 9 days) I haven't had one bad moment, no moment where i felt like a zombie, no moment when I felt like a cow (and this kid can EAT). Just moments of love, laughter, gratitude, amazement at the human body/creation, appreciation for my own mother and for being a women. I feel alive. More alive than ever before. I'll embrace this time and welcome whatever the next stage is. Sure it will be trying at times, but what in life that is worth anything isn't trying?
I'm surprised with all the advice i received from friends and family, no one remembered to tell me new respect, appreciation, attraction and love i would feel for josh.
ok, so enough mushy stuff. 5 fun things about Sonny i love so far:
1) he is fuzzy - shoulders and back are covered in little dark fuzz
2) he flips me off all the time - he can only get away with that for so long
3) day one he peed on my face
4) he has loooooooong loud farts that crack me up
5) his face he makes when he is milk drunk
Here are some pics. oh and i'm almost done with my birth story so that will be the next post.