Surely we get to vote and mostly have the freedom of speech and exercise our constitutional rights that way, but I think that serving on a jury is the one of the ultimate American things to do.
I have no idea why I have romanticized it as such, but I have. When I lived in Florida I was called twice. TWICE! and both times when you call in the morning of, i was told i wasn't needed. That was sad.
Then a few months back, I opened the mail box and saw the County Clerk's seal and the words "Important: Jury Summons Enclosed" highlighted in red - i was so excited. Until, i read further down the envelope and saw it was addressed to Josh Maready. Josh?!?! Josh, doesn't want to serve on a jury (well maybe he does, but is a hassle for him being free lance and all). I want to serve on a jury.
When we moved apartments, I wasted no time calling the DMV to tell them i moved, so that they would update my records and somehow trigger my jury summons. When it came time to vote, again I quickly changed my address hoping it would trigger my jury summons (really I'm not even exaggerating).
Well Friday it came. I opened my mailbox and there it was. Such joy has only been recorded on A Christmas Story when Ralphie gets that last box hidden behind the desk and finds his long awaited Red Ryder Rifle. That's what it felt like for 30 seconds. Then I saw the date October 25, 2010. 6 days after my expected baby's delivery date. Yep. so guess who can't go to jury duty? Yep. me. i think i just shot my eye out. this just may be the first of many sabotages this kid does.
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